From the legendary ex-Rockstar Games senior artist behind GTA and Red Dead's iconic art—meet the ultimate bad boy memecoin

origin story

The spark of Looby's legend began with a child's imagination, igniting a journey from sketch to icon in the Loobyverse.

the loobfather legacy

The visionary who transformed a simple doodle into a legend, shaping the Looby legacy one stroke at a time.

If you grew up gaming, you know Stephen Bliss. The acclaimed artist spent over 15 years as Senior Artist at Rockstar Games, defining the iconic style of the Grand Theft Auto franchise—the most successful entertainment product ever. Bliss’s work spans game covers, posters, billboards, and more for hits like The Warriors, L.A. Noire, and Red Dead Redemption. Beyond games, his art bolstered Rockstar’s reputation as a creative juggernaut, cementing his legacy across three decades and continents.

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